Friday, July 24, 2009


Just to let people know that this post is in reaction to a conversation on Fetlife. I had to speak my mind and let the community know how much there are being assholes right now..It was posted on Fetlife, but i thought I could put it on my blog to...

Just to reiterate because it gets lost in the comments, this isn't about paying for video.. it's so that we can still have a Fetlife. it's not this OR's this OR no Fetlife.

I'm so speechless to see how people are selfish right now. There is no other sites like Fetlife. Just little examples of what Fetlife does for the community

Caretaker team, that is there for each of you, individually they will help you not matter what. If you have any issues, they will respond to you.

Witch other site allows you to express yourself and participate to making this site better. For you OWN benefits.

Remember the fetish sections? John asked your opinion on what and how you wanted. Did you get it the way you wanted it. YES! And what about people complaining that the site was a bit slow and issues with e-mail notifications..Why? Because, big news, the site is growing. What did Fetlife do FOR YOU. Well transfered everything to a bunch of new servers ans make it more efficient! You wanted an improve search on Fetlife, you got it as well...These are FEW examples of what John and his team did FOR YOU!

Oh ya! but I forgot this cost money. We are all sitting in front of our computers enjoying a site that we all love, because they do so mush for us..but now it's time to help the people that helped us. What do we do...
We still sit in front of our computers, complaining and bitching and shitting on John and he is team, after everything he did for US. Not for him but for US.

You all came with great ideas, and truly believe that John already thought about these options. But what about if Fetlife wants to do things legally and not get in trouble. Right now for me it sounds like you don't give a rat ass about how he gets the money, even if it puts John and his team in trouble, as long you keep Fetlife the way it is. THAT IS SELFISH TO ME.

I'm really disappointed with the community right now, when it comes to your own benefits you are all happy about it, but when it comes to help the people that fed you, you shit on them...

What's the point of having a community if we can't help each other...

Have you ever met John in some events or talk to him or exchange e-mails with him? For people who did, you can't deny that he his the most genuine and understanding person. He will listen to you, he is happy to do what he does, he believes in it and in his community. Right now we fail to show him how much we care.

Oh and by the way, all of that video issue, why don't we as a COMMUNITY make it as a educational part of Fetlife. You are so afraid that will become like just like the other one. But YOU make the community so why not use this video opportunity and make it constructive and interesting.
What about videos how to make toys, how to spank somebody or to learn about bondage. You as a member will be posting videos, make it so that it doesn't become like all of the other crappy sites...

This how you become different and you set yourself apart form others...

1 comment:

  1. ma belle Rhéa.... im pretty sure nobody who is friend with you... or reading your blog... or i would even go as far as "from or around Montréal or Québec" would be included in everything you wrote up there...

    Sure there are stupid people... a$$holes... closed minded, ranting, no life, perverted, corrupted freaks on fetlife... just like there is everywhere else... just like there always has been... Thoses people will always be complaining... cause they dont have the intelligence to do any better!!

    I saw the original post on fetlife about that "issue"... and personally i dont care... so does my love... and im pretty sure so does everyone else you know personally from the scene...

    being legal is a pretty important deal... and deleting and removing the illegal fetish is just a normal thing to do i personally think... yes i am 100% for free speech... but the website does not have to approve of thoses...
